How can i copy part node from one to other

Issue #55 resolved
Jhon created an issue

As stated in the topic. 3Q 4 u help.

Comments (3)

  1. Hiroki Omae

    Jhon, You can multi select nodes by click empty space of graph and drag (will draw selection box) and then release mouse. After select multiple items, you can copy nodes from menu:Edit>Copy or Cmd(Ctrl)+C, then menu:Edit>Paste or Cmd(Ctrl)+V will paste copied nodes. You can paste nodes to other graph too.

    If you want to copy the existing graph entirely and modify, you can also do that by duplicating graph asset, then open and modify.

    I have just pushed code to improve copy-paste by preserving connection to 1.3/release. I hope this will improve your QoL :)

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