Fail to load manifest file if the file name has space

Issue #70 resolved
CS created an issue

From my understanding, AssetBundleGraph will generate a manifest file based on the output directory name and by design, asset bundle will fail to load manifest file if the file name has space. I think generating the manifest file with spacing removed is the reasonable solution to fix this bug instead of modifying how asset bundle loading mechanics work currently.

Comments (4)

  1. Hiroki Omae

    This was an AssetBundleManager issue and not AssetBundleGraphTool issue. The attached LocalAssetBundleServer in AssetBundleManager could not properly handle URL with spaces.

    I have updated AssetBundleManager with LocalAssetBundleServer correctly handle spaces. Please update your AssetBundleManager by importing newest AssetBundleManager.unitypackage on 1.3/release (or dev branch) and see if it solves issue.

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