Allow batch building for different platforms

Issue #74 resolved
Lior Tal created an issue

Currently, the batch build window allows building multiple graphs for a single platform. It would be very useful to be able to build a graph (or a few graphs) for multiple platforms

Comments (12)

  1. Lihua He

    Cause the Unity Project assets import process cost a long time, due to your project's size, maybe 10 minutes or half an hour. I think you should only clone a specific project workcopy for every single platforms, just like "workcopy_android" for android platform, and "workcopy_ios" for iOS platform.

    If you want to build multiple platforms assetbundle, it will cost to much time between two builds to switch the build target to specific platform.

  2. Mark Gants

    I would also appreciate being able to build asset bundles for multiple build targets at once.

    My project has custom scripts that do this, but I would prefer to be able to replace my custom scripts with the graph tool.

    The convenience of being able to build bundles for multiple platforms at once outweighs the concern about how much time the process may take, at least imo.

  3. Mark Gants

    Just fyi, I am working on a solution at the moment. Will create a pull request when ready, perhaps in a couple days or so?

    More or less have it working, just working out some kinks with exporting the resulting bundles to another directory. Doesn't seem like the master bundle manifest is being copied over when exporting the bundles to a directory, trying to figure that out. Everything else looks fine though so far.

  4. Hiroki Omae

    @mgants4 I am happy to review when you have your pull request ready. Executing multiple graphs for multiple platforms would be certainly beneficial, despite the fact it can cause very long build time for some tasks.

  5. Hiroki Omae

    I have done majour overhaul in batch build window and now it supports multiplatform building in 1.4


  6. Hiroki Omae

    @mgants4 Really thanks for the PR but I chose to fix this issue by fixing Batch Build Window rather than customizing Graph Editor Window.

  7. Mark Gants

    Thanks for the update. New window looks good, your reasoning for implementing this way makes sense.

    In terms of workflow though, the user now has to switch to a different view (graph editor vs. batch build window) to run builds for multiple platforms, which might be tedious.

    Personally, I liked the ease of building multiple platforms from the graph editor window even. However, I don't do this too often for performance reasons. I have fallen back to running multiple builds on the command line with Jenkins for the most part.

    Looking forward to trying out your updates soon!


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