platform build asset bundle using the same name

Issue #75 resolved
chenquanjun created an issue

I want to build asset bundle with different directories like "assetbundle/Windows" and "assetbundle/Android", and customize main manifest name. Now i have to use "assetbundle/Windows/ab" and "assetbundle/Android/ab" to do that

Comments (10)

  1. Hiroki Omae

    The main asset bundle manifest name is generated by Unity's AssetBundle build API and it always use the output directory name. I am not sure if I want to add option to modify that behavior.
    One alternative I can propose is to use Postprocess script. You can write your own Postprocess script and perform the rename inside Postprocess.

  2. Hiroki Omae

    The new BuildPipeline API will give you full control on this, so once that's landed I can move to the new API and give you option through graph to configure this.

  3. Hiroki Omae


    Updated BundleBuilder node in v1.4. Now you can change name of bundle manifest. Also, you nan use {Platform} as platform name variable in your path value which should also help you to solve this type of problem.

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