Path Test fails on Windows

Issue #80 resolved
ttermeer-reboundcg created an issue

Running Unit Test on Windows cause the following failure :

PathTestSimplePasses (0.010s)
String lengths are both 49. Strings differ at index 41.
  Expected: "Assets/UnityEngine.AssetBundleGraph\\Cache/Prefabs"
  But was:  "Assets/UnityEngine.AssetBundleGraph\\Cache\\Prefabs"
at PathTest.TestPath (System.String expected, System.String path) [0x00003] in ...\Assets\UnityEngine.AssetBundleGraph\Editor\Test\PathTest.cs:61
at PathTest.PathTestSimplePasses () [0x000c1] in ...\Assets\UnityEngine.AssetBundleGraph\Editor\Test\PathTest.cs:31

This is due to System.IO.Path.Combine returning \\ instead or / on Windows system.

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