Still Supported?

Issue #11 new
Former user created an issue

Are heatmaps still being supported ? No updates since 2017, and I'm having issues with Point to point events & rotation data not being sent from my app / received at the server

Comments (3)

  1. Jon Collins

    Logged in (I'm the anonymous who logged this)

    My Mistake I am now properly getting rotation & point to point in my test project (but not in another much larger project unfortunately, so I still need to dig into that problem)

    However the question still remains is Unity Heatmaps still under active support & dev?

  2. Marc Tanenbaum

    Glad you solved the immediate issue.

    To your larger questions, the short answers are: - Is heatmaps under current development? No.

    • Is heatmaps still supported? Yes, but keep reading.

    As you've correctly noticed, we've done no development is quite some time; there actually was some work around 360 video and VR, but that never hit the mainline branch. Overall, we've just never gotten the usage necessary to justify the cost of maintaining the feature. So heatmaps is still supported for now, but I fully expect this to change in the not-too-distant future. Exactly how and when that will change is unclear (i.e., has yet to be firmly decided). I hope and expect that whenever something changes there will be notice posted here and in the forum to give our users time to figure out how to adapt.

  3. Jon Collins

    This is sad :(

    Having finally gotten the time and size of project that justifies delving into this tool, we've found it really useful.

    Thanks for the heads up though, hopefully we'll be allowed to continue our own development. and Raw Export won't be taken offline as that would obviously be key for our own work.

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