Update wiki with filename sox binary should be renamed to

Issue #4 new
Nathanael Anderson created an issue

After downloading the current SoX binary: sox-14.4.2-win32.exe and placing it in Assets\StreamingAssets\ThirdParty\SoX\Windows it is not detected in the demo. Update the documentation to clarify how it should be renamed to be identified

Comments (2)

  1. Nathanael Anderson reporter

    Renaming to sox.exe removed the error message, but recognition still does not work. No other google errors are reported

  2. Jeff dePascale

    I am experiencing the same issue - adding sox.exe removes the error, but dictation fails without notification. the exe from the sox link is an installer, that seems to be incorrect. Please update the wiki to note which file from sox needs to be placed in that folder, and how it needs to be named.

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