7.1 RC1.1 (64-bit) Audio Mixer error

Issue #50 resolved
retired1af created an issue

First login after install was greeted with the following error.

Plugin "Audio Mixer" unexpectedly left the panel, do you want to restart it?

The plugin restarted more than once in the last 60 seconds. If you press Execute the panel will try to restart the plugin otherwise it will be permanently removed from the panel.

Attempting to add manually results in same error.

Comments (2)

  1. retired1af reporter

    Check of messages shows the following error:

    Apr 23 07:57:44 vector kernel: [ 54.555866] traps: xfce4-panel[2519] general protection ip:41f616 sp:7fff88ceb040 error:0 in xfce4-panel[400000+42000]

  2. uel archuletta

    xfce4-mixer requires gstreamer-0.10, an upgrade to gstreamer broke xfce4-mixer. so the gstreamer upgrade was rolled back.

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