vl64bit. wine builds but nothing runs.

Issue #29 resolved
stretchedthin created an issue

This link might help with what I think may be the problem. [[http://alien.slackbook.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=slackware:multilib|Slackware multilib]]

Comments (5)

  1. uel archuletta

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but it seems you are trying to run 32bit windows software on 64bit wine? VL64 is "multilib ready" like SW64. we do not have the space or the desire to be multilib out of the box.

  2. stretchedthin reporter

    So far what I've done is attempt to build wine with the same SlackBuild as used on 32 bit, but with the --enable-win64 option.

    I am following the first portion of instruction from here. http:wiki.winehq.org/Wine64

    Wine builds fine but does not run and I believe that is because the resulting executables are still 32 bit. To confirm I downloaded Alienbob's 64bit wine package and installed. It had the same result.

    I am now altered the SlackBuild to include the instruction for the WoW64 set-up described in the link above. I'll let you know how that goes.

  3. uel archuletta

    Are there any errors when trying to start wine?

    Have you ran file on the binaries to see if they are 32bit?

  4. uel archuletta

    Built wine on 64. all apps from wine pkg run, but I could not find a windows 64bit app with a 64bit installer.

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