Can't connect to cups localhost:631 vl7.064bit

Issue #17 resolved
stretchedthin created an issue

Can't connect to cups localhost:631

system-->Manage Printing results in "Unable to connect"

Comments (3)

  1. Masta

    there should be a symlink from /etc/rc.d/service to /sbin/service which is missing, thus the cups service won't start and allow for the printer application to see the printer.

    you can make a symlink by: ln -s /etc/rc.d/service /sbin/service

    Check the services in run level 4 also, and make sure cups is set to be on. The symlink needs to be there first.

    Not sure why the symlink is missing.

  2. stretchedthin reporter

    Update to this... I did the above root:# ln -s /etc/rc.d/service /sbin/service ln: failed to create symbolic link `/sbin/service': File exists

    and obviously the file was already there

    so I checked again with vasm which in vl64bit beta 2.5 is the new pyvasm and it showed cups as enabled.

    I then checked in vasm-legacy and it showed cups was not enabled. After enabling cups both printer manager and system-config-printer worked as they should.

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