host name change woe

Issue #12 resolved
Masta created an issue

Using Vasm Legacy to change the host name of the system, after the reboot, applications that use network load slowly. When changing back to the installed host name things run fine again. After they finally load, they run fine. They just take an extremely long time to load up after clicking the launch button. FF, Hexchat, to name a couple.

Example, host name changed from: to

Comments (3)

  1. roarde

    I took a quick look at this, but had to set it aside for now. Will return after handling even more major parts of vasm-legacy.

  2. roarde

    Unable to replicate. I have a single machine and use wicd for connection.

    But the older hostname-change script, vnameset, has been returned nearly as it was originally, save for a "correction" of what I hope was a typo. When that was originally replaced, I eliminated some (all?) DNS setting or copying. Plain ignorance; not a heavy network user.

    The change shipped with 2.7.57, present on RC4 and later. Could this be tested by someone with a local LAN, or at least an actual network setup? Thanks.

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