ncurses expects bad line-drawing in UTF linux terminal

Issue #21 resolved
roarde created an issue

Found this while working on vasm-legacy. Ncurses expects "linux" and "screen" TERMs to ignore line-drawing characters in a UTF-8 locale. Don't know about "screen", but "linux" has this fixed now. One workaround is to set environment variable NCURSES_NO_UTF8_ACS=0 (turn the check off). That's what vasm-functions will do. Another method involves compiling in the extended terminfo capability "U8#0, use=linux". Frankly, I just got plain lost on that one. Need to learn it sometime.

See ncurses(3) /NCURSES.*UTF

FWIW, my recommendation is dontfix for 7.1, handle it next release.

Comments (3)

  1. roarde reporter

    Ignore this totally for now. Still running RC2.2.2 and see signs that the later ncurses, properly installed, may have fixed this.

    Will update.

  2. roarde reporter

    Latest ncurses doesn't fix this. So is this strictly an ncurses problem to be handled upstream, or should screen and linux terminals have that flag added to their terminfo entries?

  3. roarde reporter

    Should be resolved by a change in ncurses. Until that happens; users, admins, and scripters should remain aware of this. So it's best left as-is.

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