VL64-7.1 RC3 Unable to mount drive or paritions

Issue #23 resolved
retired1af created an issue

Unable to mount drives or partitions in RC3. Disk Utility gives an Authentication Failure error after submitting root password. Drives and partitions are also not listed in Thunar, even with Enable Volume Management checked.

Comments (2)

  1. roarde


    Instead of submitting root password, try user password. You'll get interesting results like being able to do anything whatsoever with any HARD DISK PARTITIONS that aren't mentioned in fstab.

    Same problem as you with Thunar, too. Doesn't even offer newly-plugged USB's, even when set up to do so. SpaceFM works normally in this regard, even from xfce.

    Here's your problem with Disk Utility. File systems mentioned in fstab follow the mount permissions mentioned there instead, of course.

    roarde:$ ls -l /dev/sda6
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 6 Nov  7 02:50 /dev/sda6
    roarde:$ groups
    roarde disk lp wheel floppy audio video cdrom games slocate plugdev netdev
    scanner users
    roarde:$ ls -l /dev/sda
    brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 Nov  6 19:08 /dev/sda
    roarde:$ dd if=/dev/sda of=./heh bs=512 count=1
    1+0 records in
    1+0 records out
    512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.000161752 s, 3.2 MB/s
    roarde:$ ls -l heh
    -rw-r--r-- 1 roarde roarde 512 Nov  7 02:54 heh
    roarde:$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=512 count=1
    1+0 records in
    1+0 records out
    512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.000143594 s, 3.6 MB/s
    roarde:$ dd if=heh of=/dev/sda
    1+0 records in
    1+0 records out
    512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.00029487 s, 1.7 MB/s
    roarde:$ stir cryo
    Houston, weˈve had a problem.
    roardeː$ cat /etc/vector-version
    7.1 STD RC2.3 built on Sep-22-2014
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