Broken package: brainparty

Issue #47 new
Moises Henriquez created an issue

Brainparty package has been reported as broken on the forums.

Requires SDL2 and some other stuff. The build script was not set to exit on error initially, so the bot passed it.

Comments (1)

  1. Moises Henriquez reporter

    Status Update:

    Version 1.0.0 of this application appears to be severely broken. Reverted to version 0.61.

    Still not getting anywhere with version 0.61. The package builds fine, and executable runs, but Nothing shows up on the screen. Running the executable on a terminal prints the following warning

    libpng warning:  Interlace handling should be turned on when using png_read_image
    ALSA lib pcm.c:7339:(snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred

    I'm able to hear music playing in the background, but still nothing shows up on the screen. innarwebz research does not help much, but appears to indicate a patch is needed on the code calling the libpng api (brainparty) to handle interlaced pngs properly

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