mime update drastically slows install to spinning disk

Issue #110 resolved
roarde created an issue

Noticed on every 7.2 install I've tried. Users of VM's or SSD's may not notice this until it's mentioned. The slower the target disk, the worse it is.

Installs take forever here, htop shows update-mime-database as the main culprit. There's a patch from Slackware we failed to pick up, but using a later version of shared-mime-info may remove the need for that patch. This slows install; it also makes post-install package installation much slower.

Besides fixing update-mime-database itself, the package shared-mime-info needs to be the last "regular" package installed. Not as simple when XFCE is an optional list, but can be done.

I'm looking at this and have references to info. I'll gather and post those at a later date.

Comments (2)

  1. roarde reporter

    I've offered a pull request that moves shared-mime-info package installation to the final package installation stage, just before theme and vlconfig. A separate pull request to vinstall is needed to make this work. We may be able to remove a related setup script -- I'll check.

    Nothing done for the slowness of update-mime-database itself, still studying.

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