32-bit: login session id not set

Issue #112 wontfix
roarde created an issue

A1.2, Advanced install, ext4 combined / and /home, no bootloader installed; booted by running grub-mkconfig on existing 7.1 installation.

Installed, set up external bootloader, booted, logged in with gdm. Opened Terminal as regular user, issued "ck-list-sessions". All was normal, except "login-session-id" was set to ''.

Two 64-bit users have told me theirs is set, I've seen the pastes from that. I know at least one of them used Automatic install to a vm, and did the rest as described above.

I have not gotten results from another 32-bit user. It's been consistent here.

Side note: Some know I was looking at this while seeking solution for a Light-specific problem with nm. This seems to have nothing to do with it, as nm works properly in the STD A1.2 install that this bug is noted from.

Comments (5)

  1. Moises Henriquez

    Seems un-related to the nm issue, and seems to be a harmless annoyance. Everything else looks and functions as it should.

    I have installed Light myself (advanced installation on a VM) resulting in the same outcome. I have tried several things... bypassing gdm to force ck-launch-session around icewm-session, replacing ConsoleKit2 with old ConsoleKit, it all yields the same results.

    I will consult with the ConsoleKit2 devs to see if they can help clarify this.

  2. Eric Koegel

    So the login-session-id is an optional Linux kernel feature that can be enabled with CONFIG_AUDITSYSCALL=y as a kernel flag. It's used by the pam_ck_connector.so . If you don't use PAM, you don't need it. If you always use a DM like GDM or lightdm you won't need it. You can check with 'cat /proc/self/sessionid' where you can see something like 3.

    In the past, if CONFIG_AUDITSYSCALL wasn't enabled ConsoleKit would display login-session-id = '4294967295' which is the max size of an unsigned int 32 (and the kernel's signal that the feature isn't enabled). CK2 now filters that out. So nothing functionally should have changed, just the display output of ck-list-sessions (and CK2 will stop looking for that bogus session id).

    This change happened in https://github.com/ConsoleKit2/ConsoleKit2/commit/77be088ad8288a8bbce813229760323011032192

  3. Moises Henriquez

    This turns out to be a non-issue as clarified by @erickoegel.

    The login-session-id comes from https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28377

    According to @erickoegel , as long as is-local and is-active parts of the output of ck-list-sessions is correct (which it is in VL), then we should be fine. I've seen bug reports in other distros having issues where these keys report FALSE. This is not the case with us.

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