gftp segmentation fault

Issue #6 resolved
Moises Henriquez created an issue

gftp version 2.0.19 on x86_64 does not run. Crashes with a segmentation fault. Nothing in ~/.gftp/gftp.log helps debug the problem.

Running gftp inside gdb reveals the UI loads, and there is a dialog asking for username. Not much more to go on. More research necessary

Related commit 81992af

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    this is an old issue going back as long as i have been with the project which would be several years. i rememebr it on 7.0

  2. Moises Henriquez reporter

    Installing gtk-murrine-engine seems to solve this. May have been related to #5. We'll try an ISO build after 46c1af5 and close once verified.

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