nuisance error message during install

Issue #7 resolved
nightflier created an issue

At the top of the screen a message displays: "(date/time) Local time zone must be set--see zic manual page"

This goes way back, and I believe it has to do with needing the time zone set on the building/compiling machine.

Comments (8)

  1. nightflier reporter

    This is on 32-bit system, in Virtualbox.

    The error carries over to installed system. Enter command "date" in terminal to see it.

  2. Moises Henriquez

    I remember seeing this for years. I dont think it affects the installed system. It's just a problem within the installer environment. Check if you get that on the installed system. Issuing the date command should reveal if it is a problem or not.

  3. nightflier reporter

    A0.2 (Wednesday), auto, real hw. Message persists on installed system. Trying to run "vdateset", as root, returns error:

    root:# date Wed Oct 14 12:48:10 Local time zone must be set--see zic manual page 2015

    root:# vdateset Warning: Tried to connect to session manager, Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed

  4. nightflier reporter

    A0.2 (Wednesday), advanced, real hw. No errors when using the manual (advanced) install procedure.

  5. Moises Henriquez

    This seems to be happening when you select Automatic for install method. The result on my tests have been that the date command returns the right date and time, but does not print a timezone string.

    vluser:$ date
    Fri Oct 16 14:32:55  2015

    This would normally print a CDT or UTC or some tz code right before the 2015

  6. Moises Henriquez

    The original issue as reported initially will not be resolved. This did reveal that automatic install mode was not setting up default values for timezone and hardware clock. That portion of this bug thread has been fixed on the installer code itself.

    Fix pushed here 20ea566

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