Unable to select super user items in vasm-legacy

Issue #77 resolved
retired1af created an issue

When running vasm-legacy, once you select Super and enter password, you're unable to select any items.

Comments (6)

  1. Moises Henriquez

    I think this is a problem in upstream vasm-legacy. I have a hunch that this is due to our vsuper implementation of gksu. I have not yet been able to come up with a fix for this.

    You can use this workaround to get where you need to be though. This can be done a couple of different ways

    Method 1 ( Authenticating using the command line)

    • Open a terminal
    • unset DISPLAY
    • su to the root account
    • vasm-legacy

    Method 2 (using GUI auth dialog)

    • Open a terminal window
    • gksu vasm-legacy
  2. roarde

    No time to fix right now, but the problem occurs only when vasm-legacy is asked to display on an xterm by setting DIALOG. I missed applying my local fix for this to a release. I'll make another release with the fix sometime this week and will change our sb to point to it.

    This does not answer the question of how DIALOG is getting set in the first place. It's already set before starting vasm-legacy.

  3. Moises Henriquez

    Looks like DIALOG is being set by /sbin/vasm-functions which gets sources by just about every vasm component. Looks like it gets one of Xdialog or dialog

    We do not currently have Xdialog in 7.2. Let us know if this needs to be built

  4. roarde

    It was two problems:
    Having xdialog would have kept it from starting up in xterm using dialog. I forced xdialog and added it to pkgs and X11.
    Vsuper still should have worked in terminal mode. What I thought was a local fix was actually vasm-legacy 2.7.58, as released with 7.1. 7.2's sb was copied over earlier at 2.7.51. Someone updated the sb for 2.7.58, but that build failed; slave problem I think. I forced the build again and it completed successfully.

    That should do it, but I'll wait for more tests before resolving.

  5. roarde

    I've been able to test this on an earlier alpha, and it's been tried successfully by adding xdialog and updating vasm-legacy on 0.3.2.

    Marking resolved.

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