Cannot connect. Server down?

Issue #2 new
SnakeWildlife created an issue

Over the last few days i have been unable to select any songs as the OMP player cannot connect to the database. I cannot find you to talk to you on any platform. My telegram: @SnakeWildlife

My question is, is the server down? Also, i can understand if you dont want to host anymore, would it be possible to share out the server source and database? It would be such a shame to lose the OMP database and all its songs D: Gotta keep this thing alive, it's the best on SL.

Comments (3)

  1. Vargink repo owner

    Hey there! Yeah I've been banned from SL ("Administrative Hold") for more than a year now and I'm always on here, or you can find my other things on keybase but anyway, I was migrating some domains to a new server I was hosting and completely forgot about the OMP Backend until after I had wiped it. So there's no more backups, or anything in regards to it. So I'm sorry to say its dead. If you wanted to start it again I can put the backend code on here if you want. You would need to change the domain for it and all that jazz.

  2. SnakeWildlife reporter

    Maaaan. That sucks, it was a rockin database, so many songs and supporters of the project D: I still have all my notecards and such, but i personally have no idea how to host or do any of this stuff. There is nothing available anywhere near as good as what you was running. My knowledge is only copying files over FTP, i wouldnt know how to turn something like this into a kind of running server.

  3. SnakeWildlife reporter

    Actually you know what, if you're alright with it, i'll give it a try and learn as i go. If you do have the backend code and its not too hard recoding the in-world player scripts to follow another host location then i would like to try to get it running. I'll remove these posts afterward incase they raise an eyebrow over this issue and look for my name.

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