Key does not work on level 3

Issue #105 resolved
Former user created an issue

While playing version, I progressed to level 3. After finding the locked gate blocking the stairs, I purchased a key, went back to the gate, tried progressing again. The warning of the locked gate appeared again. Next I tried to use the key - the log shows I used the key, but when I tried progressing again, the same error occurs.

I will note that I have loaded a saved file a couple of times by this point; I don't know if that would cause an issue or not.

Comments (2)

  1. V H. U repo owner

    This was caused by items not being added via their "add" method and instead their count being incremented in the shop.

    As far as I can tell, this is fixed in v0.4.3.1.

    If for whatever reason it isn't, the stairs can be bypassed by setting the Beaten Boss tag in the map view on the debug menu to true, or by adding a key to your inventory using the inventory tab.

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