Testing Release?

Issue #142 resolved
Former user created an issue

I may be wrong but i believe that there used to be frequent "pre-releases" of sorts for bugtesting. It has been quite awhile since the last release and I was wondering if there was a reason for no new version with the bugfixes and new features in awhile

Comments (3)

  1. Houdini111

    We've basically finished the stuff we're adding for the next version and are doing some bug testing and fixing now. The previous release was very buggy so we want to take our time with this one and make sure it isn't such a mess.

  2. V H. U repo owner

    I put the current build I am testing up here, but it is fairly buggy. I don't know when the final version will be ready to be released, like Houdini said past releases have had a fair amount of issues so we want to spend more time debugging than we have in the past.

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