Various prerelease issues

Issue #234 resolved
Former user created an issue

While when the player transforms into a slime using vials, and proceeds to equip the gelatinous shell via the debug menu (the gelatinous shell is only accessible through normal means if defeated by a slime), the gelatinous shell appears fine. However, when transformed into a slime through multiple defeats, the gelatinous shell, regardless of whether it's received normally or through the debug menu, appears as the chitin armor.

Slimes are unable to fuse with any other saves (even identical ones) through both spot fusion and the use of fusion crystals, though other saves are able to fuse with slimes through either method.

Using a vial of regular or pink slime will heal the player as a slime/goo girl, but the vial will not be consumed, allowing for extremely easy healing

It's possible for traps to spawn on the first floor if loading from another save on level 3 or above

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