Health and mana potion hot buttons

Issue #29 resolved
Former user created an issue

it would be nice to have a hot button for the health and mana potions next to their respective stats display. it's not bad during early game but when inventory gets overloaded it would be nice to have a quick way to heal health/replenish mana.

Comments (2)

  1. Houdini111

    Hot buttons could work, but I also think that having the inventory stay scrolled would help with all item.

    The issue with that is the way the that it is currently done is that every change to the inventory procs a whole reset of the whole thing.

    The solution would be to * Save the last selected item and the top-most visible item (ListBox.TopIndex) before the reset * Set that top-most visible item to once again be the top-most visible item * Reselect the item


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