Replicatable Corrupt Save/Load issue with Save files [11.5.0]

Issue #305 resolved
Former user created an issue

Twice now I have run into a save corruption which prevents me from loading a saved game. In both instances, I had b been recently TF'ed from Male to Female (first time via Enchantress boss on Level 1, second time from a Floor Trap on Level 3). However not all instances of M>F TF has caused save corruption (in subsequent fights with the Enchantress, saves were fine despite being TF'ed from M>F).

With the case of the Floor Trap, it appears the bug can be replicated. Save #2 is Good, while Save #3 is corrupt. From Save #2, simply move the character Right about 23 squares to the right to trigger the M>F TF, then save. The subsequent saved file will not load.

Comments (3)

  1. Thrand Aloran

    Quick Addendum: When testing for the bug, I found that if the character gets into a fight before triggering the trap, that does not seem to cause the Save file corruption. Specifically I fought an Enthralling Enchantress and won the fight with low HP and MP. I healed (Via a Heal spell or two), triggered the trap, saved, then reloaded. This time the save was not corrupted.

    In the 2-3 times testing it prior (with no fights or encounters) each time the save was corrupted

  2. V H. U repo owner

    It looks like the issue here is that the player’s description is being saved with some un-expected line breaks after the transformation.

    I am going to be pushing a fix for this today.

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