Consumming a random hair dye and then a health potion can "freeze" the game

Issue #66 resolved
Former user created an issue

I am not sure if it happens with other potions as well, but using a random hair dye potion and drinking a health potion just after made my character stuck at one place. I was still able to use the menu but I couldn't move around. I tried to save and then load that game, but it just made my game freeze for good.

Comments (6)

  1. Houdini111

    Clarification on this. It only happens if you use the health potion before the dialog box closes. If you close the box first, the issue does not occur.

    Further, turns can still pass. Having an encounter with an enemy will fix the issue.

    That means that it's likely tied to the boxes causing a conflict on if the player is allowed to move.

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