System not emailing users when Admin creates account

Issue #6 resolved
Bruce OBrien created an issue

When I created users, including entering email, the system didn't auto email them. It would be very useful if it email them to the address you input and gave instructions on how to reset the password. As we will be using this system in large amounts with many users of various levels and technical experience, making it self explanatory for them, and less stressful on the few country admins would be helpful.

Comments (4)

  1. WazeTools Suite repo owner
    • changed status to open

    The system now has a checkbox allowing the admin to automatically send an email to the newly registered user. Please try this function, every suggestion on the email body to use will be appreciated.

  2. WazeTools Suite repo owner

    I've just tried the function with a gmail account as recipient, and you're right: no email is delivered. But, after a quick look, I've found the email in the SPAM folder of the recipient account, so I think it's a different kind of problem. I suspect that the problem could be in the big image in the top of the mail, followed by a small amount of text. This could trigger the SPAM filter of gmail. We're working on a workaround.

  3. WazeTools Suite repo owner

    We tried to change the way MNTR sends email, and now it seems to work well. Please let me know if you still have problems.

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