Issue #1065 resolved
Buggyz created an issue

You can clientside trade spam an another player. A packetlogger will be trade an another player 1000 times and you will be disconnected...

You can gift spam an another player.. A packetlogger can give an another player 15.000 gifts and the another player will be disconnected and the inventory will be bugged or slow loading,.,

please fix this packetlog buggs.

Comments (5)

  1. Oliver

    Already reported to Wes long time ago, but just run this for now:

    UPDATE items_base SET allow_gift = '0';

    and :update_items.

  2. Buggyz reporter

    Yea i can do that, but better fix this big problem. You cannot delete an feature...

    But do u know more buggs about this? Or are this the only one?

    Please give me information!

  3. Oliver

    Add me on Discord: Oliver#1922

    Not the only one, but I can't leak them on Bitbucket - Wesley does know them though. :)

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