:rewardevent command

Issue #1076 closed
Rúben Rebelo created an issue

Hello, I come here to give a suggestion of addiction to the emulator that in the case is a command that would be used to reward a user who won the event held by a moderator. The command is very easy, you only have to give a level badge or conquest automatically with your level already acquired, along with diamonds and extra currency (GOTW) to a specific user. When rewarding the user would appear a notification as I will send in images below. I am giving this idea because I saw in Brazilian hotels and I liked the idea, to promote the winner.

The level of the badge / conquest and amounts and type of extra coin would be edited by db.

What would the command look like:

rewardevent <user name>

ex reward event.png

Any questions about what the command would be like, I am here to exclarecer. I'm sorry for my english..

Comments (4)

  1. Josh

    Could you not just use the give reward wired? It basically does the exact same thing just the notifcations are slightly different.

  2. Rúben Rebelo reporter

    Yes, you can also do this, but in case the level badge would have to automatically update to the level of each user, can you tell me if I can give an achievement across a wired?

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