Problem wired 1.13.0

Issue #1094 closed
Andonio created an issue

I've just tried the new Arcturus 1.13.0 and I've got two problems with two types of wired.

First wired is: The wired needs too much seconds to understand that the items are in that specific position.

Second wired is: It doesn't work at all. It works only one function of three available.

I don't understand why, in item_base is all correct and I tested it on nextgenhabbo and it works nice. Maybe I forgot something?

Comments (8)

  1. Oliver

    This is due to wired_data being limited by default.

    ALTER TABLE items_base ALTER COLUMN wired_data VARCHAR(2048) NOT NULL DEFAULT '';

    Fixed mine. Don't know about Negative condition.

  2. Wesley repo owner

    Closed for now. Could not replicate. Please provide a wired setup with the selected items and wired interface so I can replicate the issue.

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