banned users stays "online = 1"

Issue #1099 resolved
Gynox created an issue

Banned Users stay in the users table with online = 1

Comments (7)

  1. Oliver

    I believe this error occurs on every emulator.

    The way to replicate it would be :ban x 9999 The user would be online = '1' until shutdown.

  2. Gynox reporter

    isnt it able to add a databasequery to the action of the ban command?

    for example, if i use :superban Wesley

    theres a insert query in to the bans table which adds a new row

    isnt it possible to add one more query to this ban command,

    UPDATE users SET online = '0' WHERE username = $banneduser;


  3. Wesley repo owner

    Its not that simple. If the user stays online it means it doesn't get disconnected properly which might indicate a memory leak of some sorts.

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