Rares limited bug?

Issue #1152 closed
Rúben Rebelo created an issue

I found that when I buy a rare ltd the ids of purchase see exchanged, for example: They are 20 rare sale and only 1 is bought, the rare bought id should be 1 and in this case the ids are random .. I am doing something wrong or is it a bug?

bugged rares.png

Comments (8)

  1. Oliver

    Its implemented the same way as in Habbo. You get an random ID from every LTD purchase. There comes no duplicates, and its not an bug. A feature.


  2. Rúben Rebelo reporter

    In the original habbo this does not happen .. Being 20/20 and if I buy the first I get the slot 1 of ltd @DevOli

  3. Oliver

    Nope. @IClaush

    http://habbo.wikia.com/wiki/Limited_Edition Limited header sold Limited Edition (LTD) is a line of limited numbered rare furni, first released during the Easter 2012 promotion. The first rare, The Black Leviathan, was released on April 4, 2012. Later on more Limited Edition furniture were released. Due to the limited number of these rares released, nearly all of the rares doubled in price after they sold out (if they did). The prices after the rares that have sold out can vary, depending on how many squares the LTD takes up in a room, the look, and also the number which the LTD was. The numbers are randomly issued when the rare is bought and are not issued in according to what place you bought the items in, for example the first person to buy a specific rare, may not receive the #1 LTD.

  4. Oliver

    Do not compare Plus Emulator to Arcturus or Habbo. Almost everything in it is implemented wrongly. :P

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