Counter Timer's wired bug

Issue #1175 invalid
Helpi created an issue

Apparently, any of "Counter Timers" is working with Wired Furni... One of them (the most important tbh)

Comments (8)

  1. Mike

    It's a known issue already. U can turn on timers tho if you use the Repeat Action on 5 seconds + the toggle effect.

  2. NextGenHabbo

    This does NOT work on habbo. I thought this was a bug until I tested it on Habbo and even big Plus Emu Hotels such as boon. There are no habbo tutorials using this combo either, it is NOT possible to trigger timers using wired like this on habbo.

  3. Mike

    It makes no sense to look at habbo all the time. Alot things on habbo just suck. U can better look at retro's like leethotel.

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