badge attached to a bundle Pack

Issue #1221 resolved
Freefox created an issue

On Habbo it is possible to add a badge by buying the packs of mobis apartments. On acturus it is not possible to add a badge in the apartment pack.

On Habbo :


On arcturus :

packbadge2.png packbadge3.png

Comments (8)

  1. Freefox reporter


    Hello, I just did as you say except that it still does not work. Here are the screens:

    • catalog_items :


    *items_base :


    • Result in game :


    This badge don't appear and that don't given to buy the room bundle.


  2. Bertin

    Hi Freefox,

    The id representing the badge in items_base (in your case 1000003212) should be in the extradata column in the catalog_items table. Not in the item_ids column as you do now.

    Please let us know if that worked for you.

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