club_teleporttile and club_gate interaction modes 1.15.2

Issue #1329 resolved
Rasmus Damgaard created an issue In this gif, Rainbow crown = has hc, No crown = doesn't have hc The teleport with the interaction mode "club_teleporttile", doesn't work, the hc user is able to walk on it like hes supposed to but the normal user is able to double click it to use it, when he shouldn't be able to use it at all. The gate with the interaction mode "club_gate" lets the hc user walk on it and it opens up as it should, but the normal user is able to walk on it somehow (it doesn't do its animation tho), the gate is set to allow_walk = 0.

Comments (4)

  1. John Rive

    Hello @Wesley12312

    I tried too with the new version 1.15.2 and I have the same problem as @RasmusDamgaard with all club_gate furni.

    Edit: I use your Habbo.swf (asmd_PRODUCTION-201611291003-338511768.swf)

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