The user cannot speak 1.16.0

Issue #1470 closed
Estèban Gourdou created an issue

Hello, I use the 1.16.0 Acturus
Here is the problem:
on my hotel as soon as I try to speak and well the message doesn’t get sent, it doesn’t show. It feels like I’m being transferred.
On my emulator here is what appears:

\> [ERROR] [CONFIG] Key not found:

Sorry for my English, i’m french…

Comments (3)

  1. Estèban Gourdou reporter

    Here is the problem:
    on my hotel as soon as I try to speak and well the message doesn’t get sent, it doesn’t show. It feels like I’m being transferred.
    On my emulator here is what appears:

    [ERROR] [CONFIG] Key not found:

    Sorry for my English, i’m french…

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