Ball of Soccer

Issue #161 resolved
Benjamin created an issue

Hi, i suggested to make ball work on this, and the guys done a great job, thx. But, there are few problems (bugs).

  • The ball doesn't roll in the soccer path. (green grass)
  • The ball doesn't roll very good (in the floor or somewhere), its slides so slowly.

Well, i tested the ball with few friends and we would like to add some suggest to this, if yout do not mind, sure.

  • The ball should walk 1 tiles when the Habbo is moving and tackling (double click) at the same time.
  • The ball should walk 3 tiles when the Habbo is stopped and tackling (double clck) at the same time.
  • When the Habbo are walking wth the ball and you does stop the ball should not be launched to 6 tiles from the user, as Habbo Hotel.
  • When you are in the same tile of the ball (trapped or defend position), if you do click in any 2 tiles away of the habbo (not 1), the ball should walk one tile in the opposite direction.

I would like to add some gifs, but i'm not in my PC, i'm on my notebook. Sorry if im too heavy about this ^^

Regards, Santi.

Comments (7)

  1. Beny

    • The ball doesn't roll in the soccer path. (green grass)

    Set your ball to have height 0.01 to fix this.

    • The ball doesn't roll very good (in the floor or somewhere), its slides so slowly.

    I'll make the ball faster (currently 2500ms to complete 6 tiles)

    • The ball should walk 1 tiles when the Habbo is moving and tackling (double click) at the same time.

    I'll add this feature

    • The ball should walk 3 tiles when the Habbo is stopped and tackling (double click) at the same time.

    It currently 2 tiles, I shall increase to 3 tiles

    • When the Habbo are walking with the ball and you does stop the ball should not be launched to 6 tiles from the user, as Habbo Hotel.

    I will look at fixing this

    • When you are in the same tile of the ball (trapped or defend position), if you do click in any 2 tiles away of the habbo (not 1), the ball should walk one tile in the opposite direction.

    Wasn't aware of that, I will add it in.

  2. Beny

    @SantiQ If you're still alive, can you show me how you play with the ball? A video with your cursor showing so that I can see how many tiles you click etc.

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