Name Change Command (Flagme/Flag)

Issue #319 closed
S150217754 created an issue

Hi there,

I can't seem to find any command relating to name change.

There should be three types of flag commands:

  • :flagme <new username> Allows user to change their username
  • :flag <username> Allows Staffs to enforce a name change on a username.
  • :flag <username> <new username> Allows Staffs to perform a name change on a account forcefully.

Flagme and Flag Command

  • :flagme <new username> and :flag <username> <new username> commands should validate the new username entry to the wordfilter table so that new usernames will not be filtered by the emulator.

Flag Command

  • To add into permission table so we can define a certain rank [e.g. MOD] is allowed to enforce change (i.e. :flag <username>) while certain rank [e.g. Manager] is allowed to perform change on behalf of user (i.e. :flag <username> <new username>).

Flagme Command

  • To add into permission table so we can define a certain rank [e.g. VIP] is allowed to change their name.
  • To add a table which tracks name changes [when was it changed, user_id, previous name, new name]
  • To add frequency a user can change their name [e.g. change once a week] based on rank. This can be tracked using the user_id column of the last "name change" table (see second bullet) or another column created for this purpose in users or users_settings column.
  • To add a table (similar to wordfilter, but totally different purpose) that prevents username containing/beginning with MOD-, for instance, to be changed. - Staff using :flag <username> <new username>, however, will not have this restriction. This allows Staff to prefix usernames such as MOD- to a new staff member, where regular account could not do so.

Hopefully this would help some how.

EDIT: Anyone developing this might also want to take note that the commands should also update the new username into the owner_name column of the rooms table.

Comments (4)

  1. S150217754 reporter

    OK, I just realised that Issues #159 and #217 has similar requests. So seems like this has not been implemented and I am not the only one requesting it.

    Sorry for the duplicate issue but here, I have added a lot of info that you can research or adapt into. Hope it helps.

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