WIRED Trigger: User Says Keyword

Issue #386 resolved
S150217754 created an issue


WIRED Trigger: User Says Keyword should match speech bubble containing the keyword (caps insensitive) instead of finding a speech bubble that is exactly as what is set on the Wired.

Also, when a keyword is matched, the entire speech bubble should turn italic instead of showing the keyword in italic form (like what Arcturus is currently coded).


Keyword set in Wired


Arcturus (currently) matches - which is correct ✔️️

password, pAssword, Password, PaSsWoRd , etc.

Arcturus will display Speech Bubble - which is wrong ❌


^ Based on Habbo, Arcturus should not replace the keyword to what's set on the Wired. It should simply just convert it to italic.

That means, if user said 'password', Arcturus should show their speech bubble as 'password' instead of showing 'PaSsWoRd' (which is set on the Wired).

Arcturus should also match Speech Bubble containing keywords

The answer is password!
PasswOrd the answer

TLDR; Here are some tasks:

  1. To support Wired Trigger to search speech bubble containing keyword
  2. To ensure that keywords (capitalisation) don't get converted on speech bubble - simply just show whatever the username in italic - which indicates that it has triggered a Wired trigger

Comments (6)

  1. Wesley repo owner

    Is it, any of the keys are required to trigger it or all of the keys are required to trigger it. Or does it have to be the exact case insensitive order?

  2. S150217754 reporter

    Not sure what you mean by that.

    If Wired Trigger Keyword is set as "hello there", it will trigger when someone said "hello there" and not "hello" or "there". Do note wired are cap insensitive.

    If there are multiple Wired Trigger Keyword set as "hello", then it will trigger all of them if somebody said "hello".

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