Catalog Offer_ID

Issue #391 closed
S150217754 created an issue


When clicking a LTD Item, another item will be shown. See example below.

Item 1 (LTD Item)

ID: 8753

Have_Offer: 0

Offer_ID: -1

Item 2 (Non-LTD)

ID: 1956

Have_Offer: 1

Offer_ID: 8753

When Item 1 (LTD) is clicked, it will show Item 2 furni on the catalog.

If I am not wrong, this should not be the case since Have_Offer and Offer_ID is set to 0 and -1 respectively. I have also tried setting Offer_ID to 1 on Item 1 but same result.

Apparently, this "bug" does not persist if both items are Norm (i.e. if Item 1 in this case is a Non-LTD, the problem will not occur).

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