Messenger Logging & rCRON

Issue #400 closed
Bill created an issue

Description: Add logging functionality for in-game messenger & rCRON event for sending messages

Long Description: In-game messenger logs should be added in a table called messenger_chats or messenger_logs and should have the following attributes: id,user_id,to_id,message,timestamp. With this functionality someone could create on a CMS a way to view message history.

With the rCRON event you could send the following:

"key": "sendMessage",
  "data": {
    "user_id": user_id,
    "to_id": to_id,
    "message": message

By sending this event the message would either automatically append to the currently opened messenger chat in the client, or create a new one and have it popup in the usual spot in the client. For users that are offline, this could act as the offline messenger option that I believe is available on the real habbo.

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