"?" button next to "X" button on dialogues displays critical database information

Issue #419 resolved
Taz created an issue

Screen Shot 2017-03-27 at 2.59.47 PM.png

First of all so theres no confusion, I believe the reaosn my HC Centre shows no texts is cause my external texts needs to be updated - I'll do that later, if thats not the cause please advise tho.

But, when clicking the "?" box, some windows have this next to the "X" box, is loads up this small window which can be seen on the left in my screenshot, reading the details it brings up... it displays some pretty critical server-side information! Can we please fix this?

Comments (5)

  1. Res

    You need to add habbopages to your gamedata. Try looking at console when clicking the "?" button, also you might need to add some lines to your .htaccess or web.config

  2. S150217754


    Add this in your client loader:

    habbopages.url": "yourhotelurl/gamedata/habbopages/

    Here are some URLs that Habbo.com use:

  3. S150217754

    Anyway @TazTazTheTaz , the codes in the dialogue is actually viewable in the page source. So it's not really "critical database info".

    As for your hccentres, just update your external_flash_texts.

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