Room Landscape Bug

Issue #420 resolved
S150217754 created an issue


When a landscape with x.xx format (e.g. landscape_1.10 - Aquarium) is being applied, the landscape will not save upon server restart/unload.

Correcting the paper_landscape row structure to double(10,2) will ensure that the data doesn't get truncated however the landscape will still fetch in x.x format; hence showing landscape_1.1 instead.

Seems like something to do with how Arcturus reads from the rooms table.

Comments (4)

  1. Beny

    The following landscapes are affected:

    • landscape_single_1.10
    • landscape_single_1.11
    • landscape_single_7.12
  2. Beny

    Changing the database structure resolved this for me. Doesn't look like the emulator does any special formatting.

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