Cannot edit or extend Room Event

Issue #424 closed
S150217754 created an issue


After setting a Room Event, there is no way for you to Edit or Extend the room event.

Comments (6)

  1. Beny

    To extend the event you should purchase the event again for the same room.

    The packet for editing the room event is in Arcturus.. are you getting any errors logged?

  2. S150217754 reporter

    Hi @benycodes ,

    Thanks for confirming that it works for you but there's no errors logged on Arcturus Emulator.

    The promoted room continues to show the "Promote Room" option on the top-right hand corner of the client.

    Anyway, as for the Extending of event, I can't seem to buy Room Event for the same room again (the room is not appearing on the drop down box of the available rooms to select).

    This is what is shown on (not sure whether it is the same as your end):


  3. Wesley repo owner

    Could you enable packet logging in the emulator_settings and give me the packet that is send when you edit the promo. And also send me the packet that is send when the promo is extended.


  4. S150217754 reporter


    The problem is when I purchased Room Event, I do not get the option to Edit Promo or Extend Promo (below image)

    It just shows like this (see below) even when there is Room Event for the room:

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