Cannot purchase searched items in the catalog

Issue #490 invalid
Chris created an issue

There's a problem that occurs when you search for items in the catalog. If you try to buy any of the items that show up in the search results you get the following message: "There was a problem processing your purchase. Please retry.".


Comments (8)

  1. S150217754

    Duplicate Issue #385 - Have the same issue too.

    @benycodes Can you show us your Catalog_Items to find out what's wrong with our setups (assuming that yours works fine)?

  2. S150217754

    @benycodes Oh. Means item Id and offer Id in catalog_items is the same and should match with Furnidata's offer_id?

  3. Chris reporter

    @benycodes Ah! Thank you, that seems to do the trick. Will take some time to fix offer_id on thousands of items haha!

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