Several bugs

Issue #509 closed
Genetik57 created an issue


Bug/Request 1 : Is it normal that it is impossible to ban a disconnected person ? Ban the account or its ip ?

Request 2 : Possible to add ipban on the modtool ?

Bug 3 : Picture --> (No date, no time. A bizarre number instead)

Bug 4 : Picture --> (Sometimes the personal logo loads and sometimes it does not load)

Bug 5 : Picture --> (Mission does not work)

Bug 6 : Football ball (ball) does not work

Bug 7 : Post It does not work

Bug 8 : YouTube TV does not work

Bug 9 : Buy a mobis after a search in the catalog does not work

Bug 10 : Picture --> : (Problem quiz icon)

Bug 11 : command ":event" does not work


Best Regards

Comments (17)

  1. Beny

    Bug/Request 1 : Is it normal that it is impossible to ban a disconnected person ? Ban the account or its ip ?

    Yeah. Use your Housekeeping to ban this person.

    Request 2 : Possible to add ipban on the modtool ?

    Habbo doesn't have this feature because they IP ban and Machine Ban through their housekeeping.

    Bug 3 : Picture --> (No date, no time. A bizarre number instead)

    Probably be included in next update. If you need the fix faster:

    Bug 4 : Picture --> (Sometimes the personal logo loads and sometimes it does not load)

    Check in the Network tab of chrome for errors

    Bug 5 : Picture --> (Mission does not work)

    This is not a feature of Arcturus yet

    Bug 6 : Football ball (ball) does not work

    Please explain further what you mean? Did you set the interaction correctly?

    Bug 7 : Post It does not work

    It works for me so please check the interaction is correct.

    Bug 8 : YouTube TV does not work

    It works for me so please check the interaction is correct.

    Bug 9 : Buy a mobis after a search in the catalog does not work

    See Issue #385 for help on this.

    Bug 10 : Picture --> : (Problem quiz icon)

    I have fixed in my edition, can't remember where though... Wait till next release

    Bug 11 : command ":event" does not work

    It works for me. Please let us know what the issue is you're having?

  2. Genetik57 reporter

    Bug 1 : It's simpler from the client.php. Please fix this

    Bug 3 : Nice thanks ;)

    Bug 5 : No problem I wait

    Bug 6 : Impossible to play football with the football ball. The ball does not roll when you walk on it, you cross it

    Bug 7 : I don't understand sorry. Explain please

    Bug 8 : Fixed but --> (No video available, video does not launch)

    Bug 10 : Nice thanks

    Bug 11 : Picture --->

    Resquest 12 : Command ":emptyitem" or ":emptyitems" does not exist

    Resquest 13 : Command ":warp" does not exist

  3. Beny
    1. In the items_base set the height of football to 0.001 Set the interaction_type to "football"

    2. In your items_base table make sure the interaction_type column is correct for the postit.

  4. Genetik57 reporter

    And for fix YouTube TV ? (Launch video) Same problem that Emrik Ahlström

    Do you have the text for event alert ?

  5. Genetik57 reporter

    I found the texts

    notification.hotel.event.linkTitle=Join %ROOMNAME% notification.hotel.event.linkUrl=event:navigator/goto/%ROOMID% notification.hotel.event.message=%MESSAGE% notification.hotel.event.title=Event Invite

  6. Beny

    The youtube tv broke because of YouTube Actionscript deprecation. I will send a fix for all soon because mine is custom

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