Pets do not work on Linux.

Issue #536 resolved
NextGenHabbo created an issue

Fully tested.

Pets do not work when Arcturus is running on Linux. They appear but cannot be clicked.

Tested with the same database,swfs,and a custom made cms, tried with them all on linux and pets cannot be clicked. Tested with everything else on linux and the emulator running on windows and the pets CAN be clicked and picked up. The resulting problem is that you cannot pickup pets when using Linux to run Arcturus.

Comments (4)

  1. NextGenHabbo reporter

    Linux Version was: Centos 6 java version: java-1.8.0-openjdk

    Windows Version was: Server 2016

  2. Betsku

    Solution for this: 1. Remove OpenJDK 2. Install Oracle JDK 8

    I got same problem and fixed it with installing Oracle JDK 8 instead OpenJDK :)

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