Issue with Purchasable Clothing (Not Binding)

Issue #575 resolved
S150217754 created an issue



1.8.0 (unable to select when reporting in issue)


Purchasable Clothing will not bind to user upon clicking the "Bind" button.

What happened?

  1. Clicking the "Bind" button will apply the Item to the User's current look.
  2. The Item will continue to remain in the room and database.
  3. The User is unable to find the new clothing (i.e. not found in Clothing/Looks menu)

Other Info

The item interaction type in items_base is set to clothing. catalog_clothing name and id is also set correctly based on the figuredata file and the item name.

Comments (4)

  1. Wesley repo owner

    Is this issue newly introduced in 1.8.0 or are you aware that this also happened in previous versions?

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