Camera Preview Crash

Issue #657 closed
Nevin Vu created an issue


I added all the information required into the external_variables and my camera are all setup problem. I could even took a photo for rooms and navigator displayed the photos.

However, when I clicked on the camera icon, took a picture. Select "preview" It display the "loading" section and reloaded/crashed. Everything seems fine, no error from emulator or the console at all.

Comments (7)

  1. NextGenHabbo

    have you set the camera item id in emulator_texts? and are your variables setup properly, and have you purchased the camera add-on? :)

  2. Nevin Vu reporter

    Emulator_texts? Or emulator_settings? I did set the photo id in emulator_settings correctly. The external variable is setup correctly and I did purchase or else the photos for each room would not be working.

    Edit: I notice that the image works, it is redirected to https, does it affect if its SSL or non-SSL? Because my server is on non-SSL. Edit2: By using the method, I had replaced the stories.image_url_base= to a https. It causes the crash immediately during loading. With just http, it will display a grey "Arcturus image"

    Edit3: yeah I tested is SSL issues, I tried changing my whole entire server to Https, thou is not certified. The images can be load. Do you guys mind making such a way where it could be view by http?


    I have to get an SSL for my domain, because the image is coming as https. I hope there will be an options for us to choose if we want http or https for the next version :)

  3. Nevin Vu reporter

    This was written by one of the users on the forum

    Google chrome press f12 to see log. Emu dont show errors. I think the client cant connect to arcturus image but the image is sucessfull saved in arcturus server(Landscape, pets and backgroung image dont work). If u edit the variables writing "" in "stories.image_url_base=" u will see a different error without crash, the camera dont says LOADING, it show a gray image with arcturus logo. In JS Console u will see the photo link aftter "" u can go to link and will se the image. But if you buy the pic then crashes, and every time u open ur inventory get crash too.

    Im using vps+domain+cloudflare, but already added the arcturus ip to whitelist. Maybe is a protocol problem, because the pic shows(gray image) when we write HTTP://.

    Edit: Not cloudflare problem, i was trying directly to my server ip, same problem.

  4. TheOmanNorge

    Good for you that you got it fixed.

    "However, when I clicked on the camera icon, took a picture. Select "preview" It display the "loading" section and reloaded/crashed. Everything seems fine, no error from emulator or the console at all."

    I have the same problem, it worked fine before I changed from Java to Oracle JDK. Now it crashing when going to preview, but the image is getting saved If I look in the console. I'm installing SSL on my domain aswell, let's hope it works out for me aswell. :)

    EDIT: Fixed for me aswell! Now It didnt crash and disconnected me! :)

  5. Nevin Vu reporter

    Glad that it's fixed! But I do still hope they can make it an option to choose for users who do not know :)

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