Camera ads_backgound?

Issue #794 resolved
Alexander Frise created an issue

Ads_backgrounds are not displaying in camera. I am using cloudflare and a tcp proxy and have tried whitelisting the IP in cloudflare.

Maybe its the proxy but how would I make the camera go around it?

Thank you!

Comments (7)

  1. Alexander Frise reporter

    I think I might know what the problem is caused by!! When I set the ad_background url to "http://(url-here)" the developer tools is displaying this so it tries to load everything with https and the background also doesn't load.

    When I put the ad_background url to "//(url-here)" the backgrounds load but now the developer tools display this and it tries to load the backgrounds with "http://http//".

    Are these errors causing Arcturus to not be able to find the ads, if I made my retro use https then chances are the backgrounds would work and the camera would also be able to find them but any ideas how I would fix the double http://http// without changing the retro to https.

    Any help would be appreciated as I would love to get this working properly but dont really want to go through the hassle of changing to https.

  2. Alexander Frise reporter

    Ok, so I decided to just go ahead with changing to HTTPS and now as I thought the ad backgrounds are working in camera.

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